I'm originally a Ukrainian but have been living/working in Italy for the past 11 years.
I like Go language, edge technologies and all kinds of clouds. I also code a lot in Python, and currently a little less in Ruby and Java.
I love Google App Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Compute Engine and all kinds of services that integrate with it. I sometimes use AWS EC2, S3, Route53, AppFog, RackSpace and Linode.
I was a Google Developers Expert 2013 in Cloud Platform (App Engine).
I love Google App Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Compute Engine and all kinds of services that integrate with it. I sometimes use AWS EC2, S3, Route53, AppFog, RackSpace and Linode.
I was a Google Developers Expert 2013 in Cloud Platform (App Engine).
I have recently joined a Developer Relations team at Google UK and moved to London.

The following is a list of public projects/venture bits/coding I've been or am working on.
- Go Endpoints. Google Cloud Endpoints implementation (still experimental) for Go language.
- Seed-DB. A great centralized resource for all information on seed accelerators and the companies that have gone through them.
- PhdHub. You can find details in this blog post: PhdHub goes public.
- Cloudware. Promotes and helps other companies to leverage cloud computing infrastructure. Awesome inc.!
- SimpleAuth. Simple authentication handler for Python on Google App Engine supporting OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0(a) and OpenID.
- App Engine code reviews. For the moment it's just a mailing list but hopefully will grow in something bigger (experimenting...)
- Orostube. Local pizzeria-restaurant. It now has an online takeaway orders (realime!)
Cool thing about this website is that it's running on Google App Engine infrastructure, including credit cards payment handling. - ICT Days 2012. A local event website that handled alumni RSVPs, subscriptions and appointments, synchronizing all of that with a Google Spreadsheet in the background. You probably won't believe it but it was and still is running on Google App Engine free quota! This was my last project while being DISI, Unitn employee.
Again, public, but much older. I almost don't keep track on these anymore:
- Giscover - somewhat similar to EveryTrail.
Was used as backend server for a Live memories project demo in 2011. The guys published an article titled Collecting life logs for experience-based corpora. Check it out if you're interested. The link above points to an old website. Unfortunately it didn't go well for a number of related and non-related reasons. Not sure whether they went on with the development. - Pinkr - a social app for sport lovers. Currently in a closed-beta.
- Pinkr mobile app - Mobile application written in J2ME for a real-time GPS tracking system. We used it in Maratona Dles Dolomites in uhm... a few years back, to track cyclists in realtime. We were event mentioned on a local TV program, RAI-3 channel.
- IAHR.eu - a PhD students database with some social juice.
Couldn't get a hold on them at some point so I assume they lost interest. - Liquidpub - a EU project that "...proposes a paradigm shift in the way scientific knowledge is created, disseminated, evaluated and maintained."
I only helped them with some IT technical details at the beginning but the guys working on this project are really awesome. - Knowdive - a research group at the DISI department, University of Trento.
They have some fantastic ideas. - Jamclass - "Software Engineering" class for bachelor students at University of Trento.
I was a teaching assistant for 3 years, 2008-2011. I actually never imagined one gets so much experience while teaching. - Barrio Latino Trento - a local latin-american dancing school.
I helped them with salsa lessons some times. - rmce_uploadr - A tiny images uploader for TinyMCE editor. Written in Sinatra. I'm using it with quite a few of my projects.
- CouchRest uniqueness validation - adds validates_uniqueness_of validator to CouchRest::Validation. Something I often need when developing with CouchDB and CouchRest.
Haven't been touching it for a long time now so, it's sort of outdated.